HOF Therapeutics
Most products are designed for direct use by humans, but may contain chemicals and materials toxic to humans. Traditional toxicity screening has been deficient for a variety of reasons, including inaccurate and irrelevant rodent studies. An LD50 is a crude measure, and often misleading. Toxicology studies on actual human tissues has greater relevance, and now that CAP organs reproduce important aspects of organ function, improved toxicological evaluations can be conducted. Our panel of organ models also provides advanced data on effects in multiple organs. Human culture models are in the process of replacing older toxicological methods, making it prudent to switch to CAP organ toxicological testing.
CAP organs can be propagated on multiwell plates making them ideal for conducting rapid screening of drug candidates. Since CAP organs are accurate assemblages they also express biomarkers as seen in vivo, therefore drug screening for specific biomarkers is improved over other available models. Of special value are disease models, where drugs can be shown to reverse or normalize cellular responses within target organs. The genetic and chemical means to create disease models are available, but what has been missing is the ability to assemble these cells back into organs. CAP organs solve the problem. Work with HOF Therapeutics to design the exact disease model needed. Our panel of organ models also provides advanced data on off-target effects in other organs. Companies taking advantage of the CAP organ improvement can now use these in drug screening protocols. Prior to beginning expensive clinical trials, making full use of efficacy studies in CAP organs improves your ability to find the best drug.