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HOF Therapeutics is a leader in cell, tissue and organ therapies. Currently cryobanking services for umbilical cords have the one blood cell type, hemopoietic stem cells, that can possibly be recovered from a frozen sample to help the patient. Cryobanking services are largely based on the possible future development of new tissue engineering technologies that will make use of the frozen samples to provide regeneration. Blood is cells in suspension, wheras most of the body is cells assembled into solid tissue. HOF specializes in tissue engineering of solid tissues, therefore we can help fulfill the promise of cryobanking. Additionally, we have a unique method "cryophase" to achieve freeze/thaw cycles of living biological samples that surpass what is currently available elsewhere for solid tissues. There is a need to freeze cells attached into larger structures, such as tissue and organ biopsies, and this has been missing from common practice until now.  Most medical institutions, including hospitals, clinics, and treatment centers are called upon to store frozen patient samples, but would rather not be in business to care for these samples. After collection of the medical biopsy HOF technicians will freeze the samples according to our method. When the samples are needed again HOF oversees the thawing procedure. In the case where an institution has its own freeze/thaw method we offer simple storage. Our primary business is to attend to biological samples with the utmost professionalism and reliability.

Pre-frozen vials each
Cord Tissue or Foreskin
Cancer Biopsy
Courier, Freeze, Test
First Year Storage
$54/mo., $448/yr.
$54/mo., $448/yr.
$54/mo., $448/yr.
Retail Price
Early Customer Discount
Total Cost
Thaw, Retrieval, Courier
Isolate + Culture Fbs + MSCs
Isolate + Culture Keratinocytes
Isolation of Neurons
Isolation of Cancer Cells
Cell Assembly Program Fb + Ker

   * Early customer discount where samples are not insured by a separate insurance company. Currently, no financial compensation is offered if cell samples are not found to be viable after thaw.​


  • We offer a service in storing sample vials containing biopsies and tissues or cells from medical procedures.

  • We pick up already frozen samples from medical facilities and transfer them to liquid nitrogen tanks for transport.

  • We can also prepare patient samples on site for freezing and storage, as a service.

  • We run a freezer storage facility where samples can be stored either in liquid nitrogen tanks or in -80 C° freezer. 

  • Our fees are reasonable and contracts have flexible terms on duration and pricing.

  • Our unique tissue engineering skills make use of the umbilical cord and other biopsies for new wound and neuron repair. Other cryobanking services can only offer a blood cell treatment.

Establishing the Minimum Cold Chain

OoC (Organs on a Chip) are 3D organs and CAP organs are leaders in this field. These living materials can be stored long-term at the ultralow temperatures of liquid nitrogen (-198oC), but are also stable for several months on dry ice (-78.5oC). Freezing living tissues require special technology to both freeze and thaw, and HOF Therapeutics offers Cryophase® to accomplish this. Freezing is typically conducted at our facility. The samples need to be maintained at low temperatures during the multiple steps of shipping logistics – the Cold Chain, which typically involves both air travel and ground transportation before delivery to a healthcare facility where they will be used for testing if in the test plate format, or implanted in a patient if they are ready to assemble CAP organs.


r primary busi

Collection of frozen samples begins with the filling of our portable transport vessels containing liquid nitrogen (see video). Care is taken at every step to ensure maintenance of temperature during transport. Our facility is closer to your samples if you live in the western states of the U.S., since most of the other facilities are located in the east and south of the U.S. Local customers in the San Francisco Area have the added benefit of HOF Therapeutics handling the complete transport, without relying on outside contractors. See our Product and Services page for pricing information. Fill out a Registration Form and we will contact you to about the specifics of the timing and quantity of pickups needed. 

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